The Solution for Water Quality

Climate change, combined with human activities, puts our environment under increased pressure with significant economic and health repercussions. In response to these environmental challenges, Pixstart offers innovative solutions to both private and public actors for better management and monitoring of the ecology of our territories.

Monitor natural resources and your operational infrastructures, conduct a comprehensive environmental diagnosis on your sites, benefit from our advice on actions to take, and measure the successful return to the ecological state of your territory. Our tools help you identify and adjust best practices to support and enhance your ecosystem.

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Digitalize your work !

With a large dataset and high temporal and spatial resolution, Waterwatch enables you to :

Decide with a complete report on the quality of your aquatic environments.

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Why Choose

Waterwatch allows you to take control of the quality of your waters with precise, point-to-point weekly measurements across your entire water body, viewable through a web application. This monitoring enables rapid detection of water quality variations and tracks the temporal and spatial changes in phytoplankton, algal blooms such as cyanobacteria, organic carbon concentration, suspended solids inputs, and turbidity levels.

In addition, our analyses, delivered through detailed scientific reports and simplified presentations, provide you with a clear and easily communicable view of the ecological state of your aquatic space, whether it involves rivers, lakes, ponds, or dams.

This allows you to identify and effectively respond to environmental problems and continuously improve water quality through rigorous monitoring of interventions. Waterwatch helps you maintain a perfect balance between resource use and conservation.

As a water manager, your role is crucial in environmental commitment. Our specialists are available to assist you in data analysis and the implementation of improvement strategies, with personalized advice tailored to your specific needs.

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